23 Desember 2010

How to save battery power?

Here some tips for you;
  •  Don't reset your phone if battery is low
  •  when power is low, make your conversation short. Use headset if you can. Dont activate speaker mode
  • Turn off unused connection when not in use, i.e. GPS, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, etc.
  • Turn off keyborad sound
  • Set a lower backlight timeout (in options - select screen/keyboard)
  • set a lower repeat animations (browser - options - general properties)
  • Use auto on/off (options)
  • Use single mode only, 2G or 3G (options - Mobile network)
  • Camera Setting, turn off falsh if not in use, set picture size to small, set color effect to normal, set picture quality to normal, and disable geotagging
  • Turn off profile LED
  • In weak or no coverage area, network scanning will drain your battery life. If you're an ara that is out of range, turn your BB's Radio (signal) off manually
  • Take out battery and clean it regularly
Hopefully useful :)

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